44 #include <px4_platform_common/defines.h> 93 PX4_INFO(
"Output: AUX");
float pitch_offset
Offset for pitch channel in radians.
float yaw_scale
Scale factor for yaw channel (maps from angle in radians to actuator output in [-1,1]).
orb_advert_t _actuator_controls_pub
void _handle_position_update(bool force_update=false)
check if vehicle position changed and update the setpoint angles if in gps mode
const OutputConfig & _config
void _calculate_output_angles(const hrt_abstime &t)
calculate the _angle_outputs (with speed) and stabilize if needed
float yaw_offset
Offset for yaw channel in radians.
float gimbal_normal_mode_value
Mixer output value for selecting gimbal normal mode.
OutputRC(const OutputConfig &output_config)
bool gimbal_shutter_retract
whether to lock the gimbal (only in RC output mode)
#define ORB_ID(_name)
Generates a pointer to the uORB metadata structure for a given topic.
float gimbal_retracted_mode_value
Mixer output value for selecting gimbal retracted mode.
virtual int update(const ControlData *control_data)
Update the output.
__BEGIN_DECLS typedef uint64_t hrt_abstime
Absolute time, in microsecond units.
This defines the common API between an input and an output of the vmount driver.
void _set_angle_setpoints(const ControlData *control_data)
set angle setpoints, speeds & stabilize flags
float _angle_outputs[3]
calculated output angles (roll, pitch, yaw) [rad]
float pitch_scale
Scale factor for pitch channel (maps from angle in radians to actuator output in [-1,1]).
static float actuator_controls[output_max]
virtual void print_status()
report status to stdout
int orb_unadvertise(orb_advert_t handle)
float roll_scale
Scale factor for roll channel (maps from angle in radians to actuator output in [-1,1]).
class OutputBase Base class for all driver output classes
float roll_offset
Offset for roll channel in radians.
__EXPORT hrt_abstime hrt_absolute_time(void)
Get absolute time in [us] (does not wrap).
static int orb_publish_auto(const struct orb_metadata *meta, orb_advert_t *handle, const void *data, int *instance, int priority)
Advertise as the publisher of a topic.