PX4 Firmware
PX4 Autopilot Software http://px4.io
matrix Directory Reference


file  AxisAngle.hpp [code]
file  Dcm.hpp [code]
 A direction cosine matrix class.
file  Dual.hpp [code]
 This is a dual number type for calculating automatic derivatives.
file  Euler.hpp [code]
 All rotations and axis systems follow the right-hand rule.
file  filter.hpp [code]
file  helper_functions.hpp [code]
file  integration.hpp [code]
file  LeastSquaresSolver.hpp [code]
 Least Squares Solver using QR householder decomposition.
file  math.hpp [code]
file  Matrix.hpp [code]
 A simple matrix template library.
file  PseudoInverse.hpp [code]
 Implementation of matrix pseudo inverse.
file  Quaternion.hpp [code]
 All rotations and axis systems follow the right-hand rule.
file  Scalar.hpp [code]
 Defines conversion of matrix to scalar.
file  Slice.hpp [code]
 A simple matrix template library.
file  SquareMatrix.hpp [code]
 A square matrix.
file  stdlib_imports.hpp [code]
 This file is needed to shadow the C standard library math functions with ones provided by the C++ standard library.
file  Vector.hpp [code]
 Vector class.
file  Vector2.hpp [code]
 2D vector class.
file  Vector3.hpp [code]
 3D vector class.