PX4 Firmware
PX4 Autopilot Software http://px4.io
landing_target_estimator_main.cpp File Reference

Landing target position estimator. More...

#include <px4_platform_common/px4_config.h>
#include <px4_platform_common/defines.h>
#include <px4_platform_common/tasks.h>
#include <px4_platform_common/posix.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <drivers/drv_hrt.h>
#include <systemlib/err.h>
#include "LandingTargetEstimator.h"
Include dependency graph for landing_target_estimator_main.cpp:

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__EXPORT int landing_target_estimator::landing_target_estimator_main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Landing target position estimator app start / stop handling function This makes the module accessible from the nuttx shell. More...
int landing_target_estimator::landing_target_estimator_thread_main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Mainloop of daemon. More...


static bool landing_target_estimator::thread_should_exit = false
 daemon exit flag More...
static bool landing_target_estimator::thread_running = false
 daemon status flag More...
static int landing_target_estimator::daemon_task
 Handle of daemon task / thread. More...
static constexpr uint32_t landing_target_estimator::landing_target_estimator_UPDATE_RATE_HZ = 50

Detailed Description

Landing target position estimator.

Filter and publish the position of a landing target on the ground as observed by an onboard sensor.

Nicolas de Palezieux (Sunflower Labs) ndepa.nosp@m.l@gm.nosp@m.ail.c.nosp@m.om
Mohammed Kabir kabir.nosp@m.@uas.nosp@m.ys.io

Definition in file landing_target_estimator_main.cpp.