PX4 Firmware
PX4 Autopilot Software http://px4.io
matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N > Member List

This is the complete list of members for matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >, including all inherited members.

_datamatrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >private
_x0matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >private
_y0matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >private
copyTo(Type dst[M *N]) constmatrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
copyToColumnMajor(Type dst[M *N]) constmatrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
longerThan(Type testVal)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
norm()matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
norm_squared()matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
operator()(size_t i, size_t j) constmatrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
operator()(size_t i, size_t j)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
operator=(const Slice< Type, P, Q, MM, NN > &other)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
operator=(const Matrix< Type, P, Q > &other)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
operator=(const Vector< Type, Q > &other)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
slice(size_t x0, size_t y0) constmatrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
slice(size_t x0, size_t y0)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline
Slice(size_t x0, size_t y0, const Matrix< Type, M, N > *data)matrix::Slice< Type, P, Q, M, N >inline